

This website serves as an area to make simple and quick 2d video games, which are cross-platform, mobile friendly, and light-weight. They contain essentially no graphics or video uploads and instead only use what is available in terms of utf characters or emojis.

It serves as a conduit for tweaking and developing 2 classes of objects: a GUI class, and a game character class. As each game is developed, further improvements, simplifications or additions to the classes are made. An emphasis is placed on using plain JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Of course, the most important aspect of the site is that it allows for trapping of Wild Emojis for the sake of all parties.

The site is made and maintained me, Gary Davenport (, a software engineering major at West Virginia Northern Community College. I have a prior bachelors degree in physics and a medical degree. This project and educational experience has been made possible by the coronavirus pandemic, which I have used as an opportunity to develop new skills.